
Loving a Girl Part 9

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I got woken up when my mushroom was whipped at my head. I was half on and half off the couch. "Sorry, I didn't know how else to wake you." I quickly woke up and scrambled to stay on the couch as my blankets tangled on my feet. I found Erin looking at me. I rubbed my eyes.
"Are you alright?" I sat up and got a better look at her. It was hard to see her in the dark but I could see a little haystack of hair sticking out from the side of her head. It was adorable. I glanced at the clock it was 2 am.
"Yeah, I'm fine, but your not, we're switching."
"What are you talking about?"
"You're nearly falling off the bed, you're too tall, and so we're switching." She started to get off my bed and I got up.
"What are you doing? You're gonna injure yourself further." I sat next to her and pushed her shoulders down so she couldn't get up. "I don't need you any more hurt than you already are." I had to lean really close to look into her eyes. "You stay, I'll be fine." She growled and I laughed.
"Well at least stay here so you don't fall off the couch and break something too." I did a double take.
"Stay here."
"Why?" She smirked.
"It's not a big deal," she said mimicking my tone from yesterday. I blushed and prayed that she couldn't see it in the darkness. I tried to keep my voice from wavering. Friends did this all the time, like she said; it wasn't a big deal, right?
"If, I do will you go to bed?"
"Fine." I walked back over to the couch and grabbed my pillow and my mushroom She had pulled back the blanket and comforter and I got in leaving a good foot of space between us. I laid face up and stared at the ceiling then pulled the covers over myself. I tried to keep calm as I felt her warmth through the covers and her shift, it felt, closer to me. She was still looking at me so I looked back. "So what were you going to tell me back at the hospital?" She looked hesitant. Oh my god, was that a blush? "You can tell me anything, I'll never ever judge, I promise." She looked away from me and I poked her cheek. She grabbed my hand and turned towards me she started to let go but I quickly laced my fingers through hers. "Tell me?" She shook her head and looked away.
"Why?" I looked at her seriously. She looked away again and I gently tilted her face back to look me in the eyes.  Her cheek went hot under my fingers. "Alright, if you really don't want to talk about it I won't force you. At least tell me about your boyfriend."
"You mean Chris?"
"Erm..sure, the guy that was all over you."
" Oh geez, he's NOT my boyfriend anymore. I keep telling him we're over and that I don't want to see him anymore in that way. He won't stop, he thinks I still like him…not that I liked him originally. I only ever liked him as a friend, besides, I found someone else."
"Who is this new person? I must investigate. They better be good enough for you."
"On the contrary, I wish I were good enough for THEM. Aimee, you promised you wouldn't judge me, and I trust you. A lot. So if I tell you something, will you promise you won't leave me?" She held out her pinkie, and I pinkie-promised. She took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes.
You guys asked for more so here it is.Another cliffhanger ending... i'm sorry! please forgive me x.x

dedicated to little person! (you know who you are)

story and characters copyrighted by me
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aimini-LA's avatar
lol, another cliff hanger?!
wows, but still so awesome
it definately does it job, making me wanna read more:)